15 Eclarts din cea mai fină cremă mousse creată vreodată veți găsi în această categorie, de la unicatul popcorn caramelizat până la unul dintre cele mai vândute Eclarts de fistic și zmeură. Blatul este făcută din biscuiți digestivi cu susan, care îi dă semnătura sa unică.

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    27 Banana Choco
    27 Banana Choco27 B Banana Choco
    0 out of 5


    Eclart mousse ciocolata alba cu banane

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Cappuccino Lait Condense

    24 Cappuccino Lait Condense
    24 Cappuccino Lait Condense24 B Cappuccino Lait Condense
    0 out of 5

    Cappuccino Lait Condense

    Eclart mousse cappuccino cu crema de lapte condensat

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Choco Arachides Caramel

    31 Choco Arachides Caramel
    31 Choco Arachides Caramel31 B Choco Arachides Caramel
    0 out of 5

    Choco Arachides Caramel

    Eclart mousse ciocolata cu lapte, arahide si caramel sarat

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Choco Choco

    26 Choco Choco
    26 Choco Choco26 B Choco Choco
    0 out of 5

    Choco Choco

    Eclart mousse ciocolata cu lapte si multa ciocolata

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Double Mousse

    33 Double Mousse
    33 Double Mousse33 B Double Mousse
    0 out of 5

    Double Mousse

    Eclart mousse ciocolata alba si ciocolata cu lapte 

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Fruits de Bois

    29 Fruits De Bois
    29 Fruits De Bois29 B Fruits De Bois
    0 out of 5

    Fruits de Bois

    Eclart mousse ciocolata alba si fructe de padure

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Kinder Bonne

    30 Kinder Bonne
    30 Kinder Bonne30 B Kinder Bonne
    0 out of 5

    Kinder Bonne

    Eclart mousse ciocolata alba si kinder bueno

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Noix de Coco Tropicales

    28 Noix De Coco Tropicales
    28 Noix De Coco Tropicales28 B Noix De Coco Tropicales
    0 out of 5

    Noix de Coco Tropicales

    Eclart mousse ciocolata alba si cocos

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Pistache et Framboise

    22 Pistache Et Framboise
    22 Pistache Et Framboise22 B Pistache Et Framboise
    0 out of 5

    Pistache et Framboise

    Eclart mousse fistic si insertie de zmeura

    25.00 lei
  • You've just added this product to the cart:

    Popcorn Caramelise

    25 Popcorn Caramelise
    25 Popcorn Caramelise25 B Popcorn Caramelise
    0 out of 5

    Popcorn Caramelise

    Eclart mousse ciocolata gold si popcorn caramelizat

    25.00 lei